Established in 1998, Robotnik began as Student Computers providing refurbished PC’s at discount pricing. Today we provide managed IT solutions; from selecting the right hardware for your business needs, to configuration of that equipment to work with specific software and your environment. We focus on providing internal network design, server configuration and remote monitoring & maintenance to keep your new tech in tip-top shape all year round. We maintain the hardware on a regular basis with our preventative maintenance agreements and advise when to look at upgrades, so your technology is up to date — always.
We manage your tech so you can manage your business. Whether your company has 10 employees or 10,000, if you’re based in Atlantic Canada, we’re here to help save you money. We’ll remotely monitor your storage and security, streamline your software, and upgrade your hardware so you can do what you do best — run a business.
- Software & Data Management
- Virus & Spyware Scans
- Firewall & Network Management
- Preventative Maintenance
- Emergency Assistance
- Specialty Knowledge
- Break-and-Fix
- Lenovo Reseller & Service Provider – Desktops, Laptops, Servers
- Microsoft 365 & G-Suite Reseller
- Also offer refurbished desktops & laptops w/ 1 Year Warranty
250 Main Street, Antigonish, NS B2G 2C2
P: (877) 735-3030
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