Patrick C. Hanley Community Builder Award Nominations Now Open

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The FluxLab research group at St. Francis Xavier University (StFX) is an Atlantic Canadian University which consists of 25 students and professional researchers. The group’s capabilities lie in gas emissions measurement and data processing techniques, to quantify emissions in natural and industrial settings. FluxLab has been involved in ecological gas measurement projects from pole to pole, monitoring design for Carbon Capture and Storage sites, and for much of the past decade their research focus has been methane abatement in Canadian oil and gas and solid waste sectors. This research involves technology development, inventory studies, computation, and roles in regulatory design and policy development. The Flux Lab team has made gas emission measurements at over 10,000 oil and gas facilities across North America and 125 landfills – onshore and offshore – to help industry and regulators better measure, understand, and manage greenhouse gas emissions. This work involves computation, instrumentation and algorithm development, and field studies. The research group is a centre of excellence for greenhouse gas sensing, and many companies and government departments bring their questions here to be answered with specialized research, facilities, now-how, and proven ability to solve complex problems.
Collaborating with provincial and federal regulators, Canadian and international NGOs, and companies such as Eosense and PAL Aerospace, FluxLab is committed to fostering informed discussions and driving environmental change through scientific innovation and continually improving measurement tools and methods.



Our work involves computation, instrumentation and algorithm development, and field studies. The research group is a centre of excellence for greenhouse gas sensing, and many companies and government departments bring their questions here to be answered with specialized research, facilities, now-how, and proven ability to solve complex problems.



Earth and Environmental Sciences
St. Francis Xavier University
Nasso Family Science Complex 2066
PO Box 5000
Antigonish, NS, Canada  B2G 2W5

Chelsie Hall, Research Operations Manager
P: (902) 867-5282

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